YURKOL Ltd - Custom Software and Cloud Architectural Solutions for Modern Businesses

What is REST API and why you (and your business) need it.

Have you ever wondered how is it possible when you read an online book on you laptop, then open this book on your tablet or desktop, and this book is opened at exactly the same page where you left it? How different devices share and aware of state of something (current page of a book, position of a Youtube video you watched an hour or a month ago, your login & password in your Iphone banking application)?

One of the greatest challenges of modern computing is its complexity. With millions of different devices, software applications, services, and systems currently in use, each one is speaking its own “language." How can they ever hope to have meaningful communications by exchanging information with each other?
Hence, software developers need to simplify the way how different components of complex systems communicate. This is where an API concept comes in.
APIs stands for Application Programming Interface. An interface clearly, and in a unified manner, describes what software does, and how to make it work. At the same time, inner details of this piece of software is hidden from the outer world; other components of the system do not (and should not) know how the actual logic is implemented (this is called encapsulation, if you're curious).
Contemporary usage of the term API often refers to web APIs, which allow communication between devices (your mobile phone, desktop, or a humidity sensor in your greenhouse) that are joined by the Internet.

REST API is a particular case of a Web API. The idea was introduced by Roy Fielding; it is quite complicated, but now we're interested only in one thing, and this thing is a client-server architecture. Here, a server is a computer, usually powerful, which runs software; this sofware offers some service(s). Hackers in Hollywood films just love to attack those servers; software itself is often simply referred to as service - surprisingly.
User's mobile phones, laptops, sensors and software they run - these all are clients.

A server and a clients:

Picture of a clients and a server

So, having said that, no matter what kind of business you might be running: a real estate agency, a greenhouse farming, a hospital - if you want your business to be represented in the Internet - you need REST API, because REST API: